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etapiviisiline planeerimine

Fluwikie foorumis üks eriti metoodiline inimene :D lõi enda jaoks süsteemi,
kui ma õieti mäletan siis oli ta programmeerija vai süsteemianalüütik ;)
ja kuna ta lahkelt lubas seda levitada - ja mulle see süsteem meeldis - siis panen selle siia üles ka
jupikaupa, kuna päris pikk on teine

süsteem siis säärane, et määratles levelid, millise raskusega pandeemia võiks tekkida,
siis kirjeldas võimalikke riske sellise leveli korral - ning seejärel tõi välja vajalikud ettevalmistused iga etapi jaoks
pikk jutt, aga keda teema huvitab - võiks lugeda küll :)

The basic approach to this system is to define a series of possible levels of pandemic impact, and then determine what preparations you need to make for each. If you start with the lowest one and fully prepare for it first, then the next level up adds additional preparations, etc. Thus, as you prepare, you are fully “covered” for at least the lower levels, and then need only to add additional supplies or plans for the next higher levels.

In my personal case, I have defined 6 planning levels. In this and subsequent postings I will define what I consider the definition of each of the levels and what needs to be done to prepare for them (this is an ongoing effort, controlled to a great extent by the feedback and acceptance I see here in the forum)

The levels I use are:
0) No Pandemic
1) Pandemic impact about the same as a very bad seasonal flu outbreak
2) Pandemic impact worse than a severe seasonal flu outbreak
3) Impact approximates 1918 pandemic
4) Impact exceeds 1918 pandemic
5) Impact approaches pandemic plague

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trüki see kood alumisse tühja lahtrisse. aitäh :)