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haiglatel soovitatakse pandeemia korral kasutada triaazhi abivajajate hindamiseks

Hospitals will have to use triage procedures devised for battlefield casualties to cope in the event of a bird flu pandemic, a Canadian critical care expert has warned.

.. Military-style battlefield triage may be needed at peak times when patient numbers outpace the number of beds, ventilators, the supplies and drugs and the number of people needed to tend to them, Dr Hawryluck told the seminar

"The military had used triage systems for many years," she said. Her system has already adopted the military color codes for patients, she said.

"The red people would be the highest priority for ICU care," she said. "Yellow - those are the people you know they might do well with ICU care, they might do well without, it would be nice if the resources were available," she added. People deemed "blue" or "black" would receive only palliative care - to reduce pain and suffering while they died, while people given a "green" rating would not require immediate attention. link

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