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püha müristus .. nüüd nad arutavad linnugripifoorumis, et HIV võib kombineeruda linnugripiga (H5N1), see oleks küll üks jõhker viirus, mis sealt välja tuleks
ja nakatunud linnud on nüüd suundumas Aafrikasse, kus kohati on valdav enamus inimesi HIV-positiivsed

mitte, et ma midagi jagaks viiruste toimemehhanismist .. aga kõlab igatahes halvasti ausaltöelda :(

tsiteerin linnugripifoorumit

H5N1 likes to recombine
HIV likes to recombine

H5 and Ebola have already recombined

The identical sequence shared by H5 and Ebola Zaire from 1975 is an exact match. HPAI H5N1, especially wild bird H5N1, has a number of changes, so H5N1 flying will lead to more changes.

HIV seems to leave bits and pieces everywhere. There is probably more recombination in Africa involving two different virus types than anywhere (including Asia). Most of these changes will happen unnoticed because health care is poor and mortality rates are high.

There will be lots of mixing and matching and most changes won't be seen until the new improved version of H5N1 comes flying into western Europe in the spring.

Ebolast ja H5 on juttu:


ahjah, ja kui kedagi huvitab, kus asub linnugripifoorum,
siis see on: http://www.curevents.com/ ja Flu Clinic

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trüki see kood alumisse tühja lahtrisse. aitäh :)