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Kanada: pandeemiajuhend firmadele

90 lk väga põhjalik juhend firmadele pandeemiaplaanide tegemiseks

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters - Canada’s largest trade and industry association
Preparing for the Pandemic

As a nation, we can’t afford to be unprepared! ... “CME’s guide equips all Canadian business with tools and information to minimize the risk that influenza pandemic poses to the health and safety of employees, the continuity of business operations and the bottom line.”
... Canada’s economy could suffer by as much as $60 billion due to a pandemic outbreak – even more if the Canada-US border were to experience serious difficulties.
To download a copy of CME's - Influenza Pandemic: Continuity Planning for Canadian Business


ta'nud :)

ma saatsin selle koos teiste juhenditega ka eesti kaubandus-tööstuskojale .. :D
ei kujuta ette, kas seal on keegi, kes viitsib/oskab/peab mõttekaks sellise juhendi koostamiseks eesti keeles ja eesti firmadele..

huu nõuz, võib-olla on ka :)

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trüki see kood alumisse tühja lahtrisse. aitäh :)