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pandeemiaga seotud positiivsed aspektid

musta huumori sõpradele lugemist :)

Don't panic! Good times might be just around the corner.

If the worst happens and pandemic bird flu sweeps the globe, then this could be great news for you. Thousands stand to gain - admittedly at the expense of those who don't make it, but all you have to do is make sure you survive!

Here is why:-

House prices will fall
Are you telling me that is a good thing? I own a house already. Yes, you may own a house already, but wouldn't you like a better one? If house prices decrease almost everyone stands to benefit. If lots of people die, it's inevitable that house prices will fall, it's a supply and demand thing. Let me explain by giving you an extreme example of why this is good though.

You have a $100,000 outstanding on your mortgage and your house falls in value to $1. Disaster! Well no actually, because for $5 you can buy a house five times better than your house, 15 bedrooms, indoor pool, heliport etc by only increasing your mortgage to $100,005. Tad-a! House price falls are a good thing.

The Black Death
OK a little history lesson here. When the Black Death ended in Britain in 1350 the population had almost halved. This led to the peasants living conditions and salaries improving considerably as there was a lack of workers and an abundance of uncultivated land. The large landlords had to increase wages and conditions to attract any tenants leading to the 'virtual slavery' of serfdom disappearing in a few short years. OK, for 'peasant' substitute 'you', and for 'large landowner' substitute your 'boss'. Your skills will be super valuable in the post bird flu years and companies will be so desperate to hire you that your salary will go through the roof. Of course the companies themselves will suffer short term, but in the longer term they will bounce back too.

Chances are you've never inherited a penny in your life and when the death of a near and dear relative occurs then it is a terrible tragedy, but if great aunt Agatha who lived 1300 miles away and you haven't seen her since you were aged 3 were to pass away, leaving you a few hundred thousand, then that would be less of a tragedy perhaps?

You love buying stuff. New stuff, old stuff. Well the price of stuff will probably come down too. New stuff, cars, furniture, clothes etc will probably come down in the short term as manufacturers try to empty their warehouses to cut their costs. Old stuff will drop even more. You fancy that vintage Ferrari, Andy Warhol original or classic antique Rococo console table well, it might just be within your grasp now...

Population problems solved
Global warming, Oil prices rising, fish stocks dwindling let's face it, it is all because there are just too many of us on this little planet. Now if there were a lot less of us, then gas prices would drop - supply and demand again, global warming would be reduced due to the cut in the burning of fossil fuels etc. Less people eating fish, hunting endangered animals and cutting down the rainforests.

Well OK, perhaps this is all a bit far fetched, but one positive thing has happened already. Chicken prices are going through the floor in Europe. You can pick it up for up to half of what it cost a few months ago and if you cook it properly it's a quick, healthy, tasty meal.

There you go, a quick summary of some - yes, only some of the great things that bird flu can do for you. So next time you're worrying about yourself or your nearest and dearest, then think of the positives, for those who survive, life will never be the same again.


Kunagi oli õnnis aeg (tädimees sai autoostuloa ja ei lubanud seejärel lastel oma autot puudutada, sest "lapsed määrivad auto ära"), kui tädimees töötas rannasohvoosis mingi asjamehena. Iga nädal sai sealt osta- või oli see tasuta?- värskelt suitsutatud kanu...kanad olid tumepruunid (mitte nagu nüüd) ja maitsesid eriti hästi.
Sel ajal linnugrippi polnud ju...

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